1:1 Mentorship

Okay, here's the deal... we all want to wake up excited and motivated to start the day because...

  • Your business is profitable and growing
  • You achieved goals and are getting results
  • You know exactly what to focus on and you're not spinning your wheels
  • You have clarity and a step-by-step intentional action plan to move forward
  • You have more free time to do the things you love
  • You have a support system, a network and are kept accountable
  • You are excited to get up every morning and work on your business
  • You are able to splurge on that item you’ve been eyeing for months (and don't feel guilty about it)


Where the challenge lies is actually in knowing which path to take, which projects to implement, a.k.a. getting (the right) sh*t done, to move forward in the right direction toward growth and profitability (oh, and someone to keep you accountable).

I know that being an entrepreneur or small business owner can not only be a lonely journey but also an extremely difficult one, especially when you’re bogged down doing #AllTheThings in both your professional and personal life.

If you wanted to lose 40lbs or train for a marathon, wouldn't you consider hiring a personal trainer or joining a group program to help you? Someone that you love yet hate at the same time because they push you? Then why not do it for your business, right?

So, if you're ready to stop trying to do it alone, then listen up...

You need a partner (that isn't a friend or a significant other) to push you along and also teach you the proper techniques when necessary. You need someone who understands exactly what you need to do to accomplish your goals and can help you tackle your specific business issues and challenges.

That's where I come along... marketing, communication, growth strategies, networking and creative problem solving are my fields of expertise. Together, we will create a step-by-step action plan and then implement and execute it so that you can see direct results. Think of me as your personal business advisor listening, mentoring, supporting and keeping you accountable so that you can create the business and life of your dreams.

By working 1-on-1 directly with me, you will receive a 100% customized program tailored to your exact needs, your business, and your life so that you can achieve and produce the results you desire.

The 1:1 Business Mentorship Includes:

  • Initial 2-hour "brain blowout" intensive strategy session (via Zoom)
  • Weekly, one-hour, 1:1 sessions (via Zoom)
  • Unlimited support via e-mail / Voxer
  • Recorded Zoom sessions
  • Minimum 3-month commitment - because results don't happen overnight

Are you ready to commit and do the work?

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